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Day 1

Updated: Feb 6, 2022

Welcome to the T's Etchings Creative Writing Services Blog! I am excited that you have stopped by to check out our content and learn a little more about what we do and why we do it better.

The Backstory

I originally started the idea of "T's Etchings" in 2012. Fresh out of a master’s degree program, jobless and increasingly desperate to make the income University promised me would come so easily. This is a struggle known all too well by so many; but this story has a happy progression. I needed to make money to fund the start of the "dream life" I had been cultivating over the last 6 years of a B.A honours and Master’s degree and clearly; I was off to the rockiest of starts.

I always enjoyed creative writing. I could just come up with random story ideas, poetry... anything. The words would just float in my brain. This talent would pay off along my educational pursuit of happiness as I would develop and create new and interesting ways to organize my thoughts and tell my story. Before I knew it friends, family members and coworkers would reach out and say, "Hey, I have an idea in my head, but I just can’t write it down". What they saw as a painful experience, was nothing but a perfect challenge for me.

So when I saw myself staring down the barrel of a year of unemployment, with a frightening student loan hanging around, I decided that if writing was the only thing I could do with ease, I was going to turn it into something profitable: and thus, the Birth of T's Etchings Creative Writing Services!

I started doing simple resumes, which transferred into cover letters and branched into some unexpected avenues. People just realized that I had a knack for connecting with an idea and getting the essence of what needed to be expressed... expressed. This skill has been the thing that helped me to mature and evolve to be able to write a blog post for my own website! 🙂

So, sit back, and get comfortable as we embark on the journey into my creative space. I PROMISE; it is a ride you will never forget.



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